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Re: [emergency-msg] Fw: [emergency] Fwd: [CAP] Re:[emergency-comment] Re: CAP and attribute-free encodings...

  • 1.  Re: [emergency-msg] Fw: [emergency] Fwd: [CAP] Re:[emergency-comment] Re: CAP and attribute-free encodings...

    Posted 03-26-2004 23:36
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    Subject: Re: [emergency-msg] Fw: [emergency] Fwd: [CAP] Re:[emergency-comment] Re: CAP and attribute-free encodings...

    Rick -
    Sounds like you're having a bit of trouble letting go of this 
    yourself. No matter how many of your questions I try to answer in a 
    calm and factual manner, you keep coming back with another attack on 
    me.  You're free to do that, of course, but I don't think anyone is 
    going to find it real persuasive.  (And before you take the trouble 
    to say it again, yes, I fully appreciate that you don't give a damn 
    what I think.)
    Maybe there's a difference here between the perspective of 
    organizations that have paid their dues to become full voting members 
    of the OASIS process and some of who haven't made that investment and 
    might sometimes tend toward a narrower take on things.  I don't know. 
    Anyway, I'm afraid I don't recognize in you any special authority to 
    speak for anyone but yourself.
    On the other hand, if you think you have something substantial to 
    contribute to the work of the TC, please bring it on.  We've been 
    waiting for a year now to hear something substantive from the 
    Infrastructure project.  I sincerely hope you'll manage to get 
    further in the near future, and I'm glad to hear you're getting some 
    Meanwhile, I think we've worked over this whole issue pretty 
    thoroughly, so how about we take the weekend off?
    - Art
    At 1:41 PM -0800 3/26/04, CONSULTRAC wrote:
    >  Art,
    >  To put a point on it I don't really "care" what "...your friends and
    >  associates" have "...told you," I only care about what this committee DOES.
    >If you and your apostles want to whine to one another about what you
    >perceive as an obvious rejection of your superior attitude that's your
    >right, but in this case you're a singular voice in a wilderness of your own
    >making. No one else on the committee, who has been dumb enough to wade into
    >this cesspool of a dialogue, seems to support your position so I'd be taking
    >that to heart.
    >Frankly, based on your continual and divisive polemics, I don't see you
    >wanting ANYTHING to work vis a vis the committee; quite the contrary as a
    >matter of fact, and this can only be viewed as puzzling. You insist on
    >turning open discussion and reasoned council into personal attacks based on
    >irrelevant issues, when the facts being discussed have nothing to do with
    >personality, and only require a bit of intellectual discipline to insure the
    >quality of work we produce is significant. You are certainly entitled to
    >voice your personality-based likes and dislikes in a proper forum, but this
    >ain't it. For the last time please get off the "horse you rode in on" and
    >let the process and the committee do its work.
    >  Rick