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Groups - Action Item Modified: #0005 Simple "Format" Test - DMI-Services

  • 1.  Groups - Action Item Modified: #0005 Simple "Format" Test - DMI-Services

    Posted 10-09-2003 19:44
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    Subject: Groups - Action Item Modified: #0005 Simple "Format" Test - DMI-Services

    EM Messages and Notification SC member,
    Allen Wyke (emtc@nc.rr.com) has modified this action item.
    Number: #0005
    Description: Simple "Format" Test - DMI-Services
    Owner: Gary Ham (gham@acm.org)
    Status: Closed
    Due: 12 Sep 2003
    Allen Wyke  2003-09-05 16:38 GMT
    [Action Item]
    * Complete test
    * Provide feedback to TC
    As Walid pointed out in his earlier email (http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency-msg/200309/msg00002.html), there are 6 SC members on the hook for completing the agreed upon tests (http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency-msg/200308/msg00004.html). Each of these members will be assigned the Action Item of completing the test and reporting back to the TC.
    Allen Wyke  2003-09-05 18:57 GMT
    Allen Wyke  2003-09-09 18:45 GMT
    Opened this back up since there had to be some changes to the API. Should be done by end of week, per Gary.
    Allen Wyke  2003-10-09 19:49 GMT
    Confirmed (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200310/msg00026.html) DMIS was able to maintain the intent in their CAP brokering test.
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    - OASIS Open Administration

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