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Subject: Blue292 CAP test Update
Blue292 has successfully tested its CAP interoperability. To date, we
have been able to display CAP-formatted messages that we pulled form
three different sources. We would like to check our CAP support from
other sources as well, so for those involved in the testing, we
appreciate if you could generate some CAP-formatted messages and point
us to their location.
We have also been able to generate CAP-formatted messages within the
Blue292 system and automatically posted those to a Blue292 FTP site in a
directory titled "Outgoing" for you to pull from. I would appreciate if
those involved in the testing could pull those CAP files into their
systems and let me know if you have been successful at it.
Finally, here are some screenshots of the Blue292 Monitoring System
where CAP messages are displayed to the end user, as well as examples of
the CAP message details. Notice that we are only focusing on mandatory
fields. We are in the process of also supplementing those with other
non-mandatory fields.
Walid M Ramadan
Ph: 919-361-5635
Fax: 919-806-8609
Cel: 919-451-4026
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