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EM TC Notifications, Methods and Messaging Subcommittee 06-03-03 MeetingMinutes

  • 1.  EM TC Notifications, Methods and Messaging Subcommittee 06-03-03 MeetingMinutes

    Posted 06-03-2003 20:45
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    Subject: EM TC Notifications, Methods and Messaging Subcommittee 06-03-03 MeetingMinutes

    Emergency Management Technical Committee
    Notifications, Methods and Messaging Subcommittee Meeting
    Tuesday, June 3, 2003

    Art Botterell
    Joyce Kern
    John Aerts
    David Hall
    Walid Rama
    Naseem Elkarra
    Brian Pattinson
    Jason Gilliam
    Ory Warshenbrot
    John Silva
    Eliot Christian
    Gary Ham
    Jerry Weltman
    Cathy M Subatch

    Meeting Notes

    Review of area block in Data Dictionary CAP 08 version

    There was a long discussion regarding CAP and Justice Data Dictionary
    -        CAPS is limited set.  Shouldn't we look into Justice Dictionary? - John Aerts
    -        CAP version 07 which was used in the Justice Data Dictionary was only a draft.  No one discussed with CAP members how it should have been used.
    -        Everything that was in that draft was put into Justice Data Dictionary and put to example and rewrote
    -        Justice Data Dictionary is in synch with what first responders will end up using (cover all of Justice Community)
    -        It appeared to the SC that changes made for the Justice Data Dictionary weren't brought into OASIS process
    -        Will people want an application that will just support CAP – shouldn't we expand?
    -        Committee should look at all the processes and sees what is best for all
    -        Law enforcement was looking at own agenda – appears that these groups need to work together.
    -        CAP process seems quite limited to single message
    -        Justice covers probation, court, law enforcement, national communications but this is an open process and wants feedback
    -        CAPS should cover fire, EMS and civil emergency management – these areas are not covered by Justice
    -        If you look at the Justice Data Dictionary it is defined very well.  But users can write schemas that are validated by the dictionary and still can't talk to each         other

    What is the best way to proceed?  To work these issues?
    -        Comments on how to make compliant with version 08 (which will be based on the conversations SC will have over the next weeks)
    -        Gary: Which venue will set the standard?
    -        In the end it will be the OASIS body with inputs from various stakeholders from SC, TC and OASIS bodies should set standard
    -        Justice is expecting inputs into their processes.
    -        Eliot: Everything has a context.   Can be viewed by context of JDD and owned by JDD people.  It is their view.  
    -        CAPS own context needs only be true to itself.  It can be imported into things such as amber alerts and weather. Otherwise we would need to synchronize it         to every single thing and that is just not possible
    -        Gary: Federal areas say to use 11179 naming conventions?  It does not prefer any particular naming conventions, gives you guidelines to consider.  Is not         mandatory
    -        Eliot: Maybe we should review the federal guidelines on how to use that process.  Comparing data dictionary and importation from one scheme to another         is a long discussions.  Let's make sure there is a cononical data dictionary.  
    -        Art: All of our thinking has been as transparent as possible in terms of soliciting input and growing our work product.

    -        How does the schema submitted to DHS compare to the existing CAP version?
    -        Justice people assumed authority of standard by putting into their standard as purely CAP
    -        Bottom line – no communication to SC or TC as to why changes were made to CAP or to make a decision on it.  Now there is split of authority.
    -        Does the process that Justice use follow the guidelines on how to build a schema.  CAP doesn't follow it.  Does CAP want to follow those directions?
    -        SC needs to go through process so we can answer these types of questions

    -        Go back to data dictionary and review and comment.  John will send out different process where we can send comments.  If not following data dictionary at         least follow federal guidelines.

    Other Issues
    CAPS was on the agenda at the recent executive committee Media Reliability and Security Council – this is a panel of media executives formed by FTC.  
    It seemed to resonate.  Art to follow up with chair of the Technology committee

    Next Meeting

    The next meeting is Tuesday, June 10th at 9:30am PDT/12:30 EDT

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    Cathy M. Subatch
    E Team Inc.
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