EM Messages and Notification SC

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Groups - CAP v1.2 SC Working Draft 04 to 05 (emergency-CAPv1.2-SC-WorkingDraft04-to-05-changes.doc) uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - CAP v1.2 SC Working Draft 04 to 05 (emergency-CAPv1.2-SC-WorkingDraft04-to-05-changes.doc) uploaded

    Posted 04-23-2009 03:42
    The document named CAP v1.2 SC Working Draft 04 to 05
    (emergency-CAPv1.2-SC-WorkingDraft04-to-05-changes.doc) has been submitted
    by Jacob Westfall to the EM Messages and Notification SC document
    Document Description:
    This is a marked up version of working draft 05 showing the changes made
    since the 04 version that was approved for submission to the TC by the SC. 
    Note that in the data dictionary, small changes like spaces or a period
    added/removed does result in the whole section being redlined due to how
    Word shows the changes.
    View Document Details:
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    the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
    -OASIS Open Administration