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Subject: EM Notification Subcommittee 06/17/03 Meeting Minutes
EM Notification Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
12:30pm Eastern
Attendees:Art BotterelleJoyce KernCathy SubatchJerry WeltmanWalid Rama Ory WarshenbrotJason Gilliam Many thanks to Joyce for taking minutes this week.Topics Discussed:Art – getting CAPS spec out of subcommittee and up to committee level. Redraft sent last week, with updated definitions in 11179 form. Some comments received (please send comments to whole group):� O.8a draft� Type element .. renamed to type .. may be a reserved word in SQL. Change to "msgtype"� In 'info' block, the target code … rename to 'event code', and allow multiplicity on that� Sender name … for clarity, we may want to rename that to 'from' .. this is a name, not a description … it is the name of the issuing agent … leave as "sender name"� Onset … redefined as an 'interval' … that did not make sense … recast as a time, not a quantity� In the 'area' block, we should take the radius element, and name it 'circle'� The event categories …. Focusing on option 3 … for someone experienced in the event … may need more categories, but adding codes later could be a problem. No way to prove our model would be complete … we will stick with the existing scheme for event categoriesJerry – concerned about mapping specifications to requirements, to track them, to show example of good processArt – issues about this … we started with work that was already done over 1.5 years. Also, we set an aggressive timeline to get this first product out the door. We are trying to meet those deadlines. We pulled in tools used for designing applications (ex: use case examples). That is not what we are doing … we are working with events, working in different flows. We would probably bog ourselves down trying to be too rigorous at this time. We should take what we learn here, and apply it to our next process. Jerry – when I try to use this, I have difficulty understanding the purpose of each, since they are not mapped back to requirementsArt – may not want to trace everything back to define each element. Perhaps we need to say there are elements that need more description/definition. Jerry – that will serve the immediate need. Would like to show example by doing a full process.Art – all committees in OASIS follow their own processes. Each works the way they need to, based on what they are dealing with (new process, updates, etc.)Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 24th 9:30am EDT/12:30PDTCall In: 1.800.453.7412Access Code: 604776Cathy M. Subatch
E Team Inc.
818.932.0660 x248
310.770.6885 (mobile)
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