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Fw: [emergency] Broadcast, TV, PPW, etc.

  • 1.  Fw: [emergency] Broadcast, TV, PPW, etc.

    Posted 10-09-2003 18:36
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Fw: [emergency] Broadcast, TV, PPW, etc.

     I have been reading these threads with great interest and believe that,
    from an infrastructure perspective, some simplicity of thought may be
    useful: To whit the following questions:
     1. Who are we trying to deliver CAP 1.0 messages to? Answering this
    question will orient us to the various necessary enabling mechanisms and
    2. What are we trying to deliver? Necessary composition and format, already
    generally defined within CAP 1.0, but left open to further refinement as
    reflected by the current dialogue.
    3. Why are we delivering these messages? Lets formally define the use
    case(s) for CAP 1.0. This will re-orient us to various infrastructures,
    payload types and requirements.
    4. When do we need to deliver CAP 1.0 messages? This goes to the question of
    persistant, versus demand-based, infrastructure mechanisms, and/or
    5. Where do we need to deliver CAP 1.0 messages? Knowing "where" messages
    are to be delivered focuses our effort on the various available delivery
    methods and constraints.
    In general, however, it appears that we are trying to answer questions based
    on "thinking" rather than "knowing" what we're talking about. That clearly
    puts the cart before the horse and, in my view, is of dubious value in
    standards setting where clarity of thought and methodical attention to
    detail are most critical.
    I have a meeting with the folks at NDS in the morning. At that time I will
    engage them in a dialogue associated with these, and other broader
    terresteral broadcast issues. Once that relationship is initiated we will
    have an expert source available to us which we should assertively leverage
    in the dialogue related to infrastructure, message payload and transport
    delivery methods. Additionally, it is my belief that we should engage in a
    direct dialogue with the authors of the PPW letter to insure that their
    interests are clearly understood in the context of that document, in
    addition to identifying other potential "expert" knowledge-partners as
    evolve our thinking in the future.
    It might be useful to remember that we are engaged in a marathon not a
    sprint. The current CAP spec contains language that specifically leaves the
    schema open to further refinement as its requirements change based on our
    acquisition of "better" information. It should be apparent, therefore, that
    we won't be done any time soon, and must accept iterative development as a
    baseline. This means that at various points in time we'll either be on, or
    off, the mark depending on what we "know" versus what we "think." In my
    view, however, it is most important to settle down and methodically "figure
    it out." Otherwise, we're just a mob of "smart guys" with too much time on
    our hands.

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