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At Large Election Bio - John M. Greacen

  • 1.  At Large Election Bio - John M. Greacen

    Posted 01-12-2004 16:36
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    Subject: At Large Election Bio - John M. Greacen

    Ms Robin E. Gibson, PMP
    ROBIN E. GIBSON is the Manager for Project Development and Court Automation
    for the Missouri Office of State Courts Administrator. Robin has been a
    member of the Missouri Court Automation Project since its initial staffing
    in April 1995. Since becoming a member of the Court Automation Project team
    she has participated in the procurement of the General Systems contractor,
    the selection of Missouri's statewide case management application and
    development of the strategic plan for the upcoming years of the project. She
    continues to research new technologies to complete the Project's vision and
    is participating in a national effort to set XML standards for the
    judicial/legal industry.  Presently she in engaged in the development of an
    electronic case filing system, incorporating document and records management
    functionalities, that will be integrated with the court's statewide case
    management system.  
    Secretary for the Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee of the
    LegalXML Member Section of OASIS, which is developing standards for
    electronic court case filing using XML and has been a member of LegalXML
    since 1999.  She participates in the Integrated Justice Technical Committee
    and has been a member of standards working groups in the National Center for
    State Courts for XML and electronic filing technical and functional
    Designated representative of the Joint Technology Committee of COSCA and
    NACM to the XML Structure Task Force, a working group of the
    Infrastructure/Standards Working Group of the Department of Justice's Global
    Justice Information Sharing Initiative developing the Global Justice XML
    Data Model (GJXDM).  Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee liaison to
    the Task Force.  
    Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology and Masters of Science in Library Science
    from the University of Tennessee.  She is certified by the Project
    Management Institute as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and is a
    Missouri Project Manager, certified by the State of Missouri.
    Donald L. Bergeron
    Systems Designer
    937-865-1276 O
    937-748-2775 H
    937-672-7781 M

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