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At Large Election Bio - John M. Greacen

  • 1.  At Large Election Bio - John M. Greacen

    Posted 01-12-2004 13:58
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    Subject: At Large Election Bio - John M. Greacen

    John M. Greacen
    Principal, Greacen Associates, LLC, a consulting firm concentrating on
    process improvement, performance measurement, appropriate use of
    technology, customer service, and leadership development for courts and
    other justice organizations, since November 2001.
    Chair or co-chair of the Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee of
    the Legal XML Member Section of OASIS and its predecessor Electronic
    Filing Working Group of Legal XML and Legal XML, Inc. since November
    Member, Board of Directors, Legal XML, Inc.  Member, committee to
    negotiate merger with OASIS.  Member, Legal XML Member Section Steering
    Committee from merger until election of Roger Winters as ECFTC Steering
    Committee representative a year ago.
    21 years as a court administrator in appellate and trial courts in both
    the federal and state court systems.  State court administrator for New
    Mexico - 1996-2001.
    Deputy Director for Programs - National Center for State Courts
    Program Director - Police Foundation
    Director, National Institute for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
    Deputy Director, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal
    Reporter, Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure
    Visiting Associate Professor, Washington College of Law, American
    University; Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean, University of
    Arizona College of Law
    Associate, Kirkland & Ellis, Washington, DC
    Law clerk to the Honorable Oscar H. Davis, US Court of Claims (now US
    Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)
    Admitted to practice of law in Arizona, Colorado, District of Columbia,
    New Mexico, US Supreme Court
    Former Chair, American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section; Former
    Chair, Lawyers Conference, American Bar Association Judicial Division
    A.B., Princeton; J.D., University of Arizona.  Director�s Award for
    Excellence in Leadership from Leonidas R. Mecham, director of the
    Administrative Office of the United States Courts. 1999 Award of Merit
    from the National Association for Court Management for lifetime
    Statement of interest -- I chose to leave the Steering Committee a year
    ago to make room for new blood and new leadership.  I am seeking one of
    the at large positions because of my disappointment in the Steering
    Committee's performance during the past year -- It has met infrequently;
    meetings have not been well attended.  It has not completed its
    reconstitution under the revised structure; it has provided no support
    to technical committees (declining to act on a request for support from
    the ECFTC); it has made no use of the resources in its OASIS account; it
    has several inactive technical committees.  The Steering Committee needs
    revitalization and a clear sense of purpose.  It should, among other
    things, demand regular progress from its technical committees, ensure
    horizontal compatibility of specifications among technical committees,
    and establish a test environment where users of Legal XML Member Section
    specifications can test their implementations.
    John M. Greacen
    Greacen Associates, LLC
    HCR 78, Box 23
    Regina, New Mexico 87046
    505-780-1450 (cell)

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