Thanks for bringing this up, Bob.
I agree with Scott about allowing legalnotice outside of info I think the nature of legal notices has changed a good deal with the proliferation of software products (and, for that matter, hardware products)
that include multiple components, frequently from different sources, integrated into a single solution. This is particularly important with open source software, which frequently requires presenting the license as part of the requirements to use the software.
I was thinking that the content of a section-like thing inside a legalnotice would be essentially the same as a the current legalnotice, with the addition of whatever the section element is called. Leganotice
does not currently exclude all technical inlines (program listing elements and elements associated with screens are included) but I thought it would make sense to retain the current content model. Since the content would be different from a normal section,
I would lean towards it being a different element, since I think there are usability issues with elements that change the legal content based on ancestry of the element. I think presenting it as this is a legal section so it can have whatever you had in
the original legal notice, but broken up into a more reasonable structure makes sense and will be easy to explain. I have seen a number of legal notices that include screens, so I feel that preserving the current model is reasonable (I think I remember one
with a code fragment but I may be imagining that or confusing it with a README I see a lot of both README and license information since I work on tools to analyzer open source software that is included in HPE products).
Thanks for chiming in, Scott. Good comments.
Larry Rowland
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of Scott Hudson
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2018 4:03 PM
To: Bob Stayton <>; DocBook Technical Committee <>
Subject: Re: [docbook-tc] legalsection versus section in legalnotice
I think there are times where we would want the legalnotice content as metadata, and also times when the notice needs to be included in the publication. Based on this, I think we do need to allow legalnotice outside of info.
For legalsection, I would think we would want to strip out the technical inlines like:
programlisting programlistingco
screen screenco screenshot synopsis cmdsynopsis funcsynopsis
classsynopsis fieldsynopsis constructorsynopsis
destructorsynopsis methodsynopsis
I'd even be willing to cut more out of the model, as this content should be pretty cut and dried legalese