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  • 1.  today's mtg regrets

    Posted 08-31-2005 20:57
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    Subject: today's mtg regrets

    Hi All,
    Once again, my day job is interfering with my volunteer work :(
    In case there isn't quorum, I vote to approve last month's minutes.
    Also, to make up for my absence I'm willing to take on an action item or
    two, (seriously) as things will slow down considerably for me over the next
    month or two.
    I'll check my mail in a couple hours, to see just how big a hole I've dug
    myself into...
    Mark Johnson      <mrj@debian.org>
    Debian XML/SGML:  <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
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    GPG fp: DBEA FA3C C46A 70B5 F120  568B 89D5 4F61 C07D E242

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