Folks, I continued to tinker with assemblies while I was offline the last couple of weeks. I now have a fairly complete solution based on an XSLT stylesheet that generates an XProc pipeline. I've moved a few things around for convenience. I added a
Hi Norm, I was reading through your analysis/documentation last week. I think it was very helpful. I don't really have any additional comments from what you've added. Did you get my feedback/example for relationships? Thanks! --Scott Scott Hudson Senior XML Architect +1 (303) 542-2146 | Office +1 (720) 663-SCOT [7268] | Gvoice Norman Walsh wrote: > Folks, > > I continued to tinker with assemblies while I was offline the last > couple of weeks. I now have a fairly complete solution based on an > XSLT stylesheet that generates an XProc pipeline. > > I've moved a few things around for convenience. I added a
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