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  • 1.  Assembly questions

    Posted 07-12-2010 04:36
    Looking at 5.1b1,...
    1. Why does the module have @renderas when it can contain an output that
       also has @renderas?
    2. Renderas is an NMTOKEN. Shouldn't it be an xs:QName (maybe with a
       special default rule that says that a name in no colon is by default
       in the DocBook namespace)?
    3. If module *should* have @renderas, then shouldn't structure as well?
    4. What is @type on structure for?
    5. It seems inconsistent to me that you can say

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-tc] Assembly questions

    Posted 07-12-2010 19:42
    Here is what I think (being freshly returned from a week in the Rockies):