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  • 1.  Goodbye

    Posted 10-03-2001 14:50
    OASIS DocBook TC,
    I am sorry to inform you that I must give up my membership on the OASIS
    DocBook TC.
    My organization is leaving New Jersey; my last day at HP is this Friday,
    October 5th, 2001.
    The new HP rep will be Dick Hamilton: dick_hamilton@hp.com
    It's been a great pleasure to work with you folks and with previous
    members of the committee.  I believe I am for the next couple of days the
    longest-sitting member; my first (Davenport) meeting notes are from 1992!
    I have no specific plans about what to do next, but I really enjoy the
    kind of work we do in DocBook land, so you may see me again sometime :-)
    After October 5th, you can reach me at MichaelSabrio@hotmail.com
    Feel free to call me at HP until Friday at 973-443-7523 or after that at
    home at 908-832-6513.
    Best wishes and so long for now.
    - Michael Sabrio
      Hewlett Packard