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On Aug 12, 2022, at 1:43 PM, Bob Stayton <> wrote:
[External Email]
I'm ok with it adding it to CR3. Scott?
Norm, let us know when you have prepared it so we can review it.
On 8/12/2022 12:40 AM, Norm Tovey-Walsh wrote:
Are you referring to allowing attributes that are in a namespace other
than the DocBook namespace to appear on DocBook elements? I thought
other namespaced attributes did not have to be accounted for in the
DocBook schema but were instead validated using NVDL?
The DocBook schema doesn t have to validate them, but it must allow
them. (You can tease apart a document and validate different sections
with different schemas using NVDL, but I don t think you can validate
the structure and some attributes with one schema and other attributes
on the same elements with a different schema.)
Given that you thought it was done with NVDL and I thought it just
worked, I infer that we both thought it was possible.
I m tempted to squeeze it into a 5.2CR3. Lots of vocabularies allow it
and it doesn t do any harm. (The question came up in relation to a use
case with a DocBook user.)
Be seeing you,
Norman Tovey-Walsh <> I am but a blood, bone, and muscle platform that holds up the camera.
The pictures take themselves.--James Tallon