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Subject: Re: [docbook-tc] DocBook NG is "up-to-date"
/ "Bob Stayton" <> was heard to say:
| Now that I think about it, I wonder if putting caption on mediaobject is the
| right thing. A mediaobject is a container for multiple _media_ objects, and
| a caption is a separate element from those objects. I don't think it should
| be in the mediaobject container. An alternative is to also allow caption on
| informalfigure, informaltable, and informalexample, but not mediaobject. I
| have certainly seen a style where pictures have explanatory captions but no
| title or number. Then if someone wanted to add a caption but didn't want a
| title, they could wrap the mediaobject and caption in an informalfigure or
| informalexample.
I thought about it a bit too and have, for the purposes of
experimentation, put caption on mediaobject again, but also on figure,
table, and example. It belongs on the informal* ones too.
Then you can have
Figure 1 This is a Figure Title
[[some graphic]]
This figure has a caption.
And you can also have
Figure 2 This is a Figure Title
[[some graphic]] [[some other graphic]]
with a caption with its own caption
This figure has a caption too, which is probably a bit odd
My vague recollection about why we put caption on media object was so
that if a figure contained several graphics, they could each have a
Be seeing you,
Norman Walsh <> | Everything should be made as | simple as possible, but no simpler.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
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