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[Karl F. Best] status of DocBook TC

  • 1.  [Karl F. Best] status of DocBook TC

    Posted 08-17-2004 13:26
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    docbook-tc message

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    Subject: [Karl F. Best] status of DocBook TC

    --- Begin Message ---
    I'm checking up with the various OASIS TCs to verify what we know about 
    levels of activity and progress towards completion. Here's what I have 
    for your TC:
    number of meetings last month: 1
    number of meetings in the last three months: 3
    number of meetings in the last six months: 6
    number of email messages last month: 22
    number of email messages in the last three months: 53
    number of email messages in the last six months: 98
    So apparently the TC is active -- you're having meetings and email list 
    I have recorded that the TC has approved DocBook v4.1 (Nov 2000) and 
    v4.3 (March 2004) as Committee Drafts, and v4.1 as an OASIS Standard 
    (Jan 2001). Please let me know right away if there are other 
    specifications that the TC has developed and approved, as I'm trying to 
    update some internal status reports.
    What are the TC's plans for advancing the latest specification to OASIS 
    Standard status?
    Looking at the TC's charter (see 
    http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/docbook/charter.php) I see that the 
    TC hasn't brought the charter into line with the new requirements of the 
    TC Process to include scope, list of deliverables and schedule, and 
    audience; would the TC be able to do this soon? In addition to complying 
    with the Process it would be a good thing if OASIS staff, as well as the 
    world at large, could knows what the TC is working on and when to expect 
    to see deliverables.
    I realize that I prevented the TC from revising the charter to add some 
    IP language a year or so ago; that aspect will be solved by the 
    transition to the new IPR Policy. But these other parts of the charter 
    need to be updated. Note that the process for this (see 
    http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#charter) allows 
    clarification of the charter for the purpose of removing ambiguity, 
    narrowing scope, or adding new deliverables within scope.
    Please let me know how I can help with this, including reviewing any 
    drafts, etc.
    Finally, while I've got your attention, let me remind you of some 
    upcoming activities:
    * At the OASIS Adoption Forum in Brussels the week of 4 October (see 
    http://www.oasis-open.org/events/adoption_forum/) there will be 
    facilities for TCs to have face-to-face meetings. There will also be 
    opportunity for TC meetings at the XML 2004 conference in Washington DC 
    the week of 15 November. Please contact Jane Harnad 
    (jane.harnad@oasis-open.org) if your TC would like to take advantage of 
    this opportunity.
    * There are also opportunities for TCs to conduct interoperability demos 
    at various industry events over the next several months. If your TC is 
    interested in this please contact Dee Schur (dee.schur@oasis-open.org).
    * Finally, we're in the midst of a member review of the proposed OASIS 
    IPR Policy (see 
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/members/200407/msg00002.html). If 
    there are any issues important to the TC as a whole or to any of its 
    members I would invite you to submit them to the email address listed in 
    the announcement.
    Karl F. Best
    Vice President, OASIS
    office  +1 978.667.5115 x206     mobile +1 978.761.1648
    karl.best@oasis-open.org      http://www.oasis-open.org
    --- End Message ---

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