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  • 1.  Proposal to reorganize branches in the DocBook repository

    Posted 07-21-2020 18:54
    Hi folks, Apologies for spamming the list. I don t know how many of you care about this. It won t have any substantive impact on the work products that the TC produces so it isn t important that you care (or even have an opinion). If DocBook repository and git and branches aren t things you re interested in, you can stop reading now and no harm will befall you. :-) The github.com/docbook/docbook repository where we store the schema artifacts that are under development is currently organized with branches: master : Effectively the last published release docbook-5.1 : The 5.1 release docbook 5.2-dev : The development branch for 5.2 docbook50-rewind: The 5.0 release (it has an odd name because we failed to tag the 5.0 release and I had to reconstruct it) * : random other feature branches I probably proposed this organization, but I ve come to think it s not right. It means that the master branch, which everyone sees, appears moribund with no commits for months or years. It s also slightly more complicated to publish beta releases (and real releases) automatically off of different branches every time. We already have stable branches for the actual releases. I propose that we adopt this organization instead: master : The current development branch for V.next docbook 5.2 : The 5.2 release (which we ll create when 5.2 is released). docbook-5.1 : The 5.1 release docbook50-rewind: The 5.0 release * : random other feature branches It s a small change but it makes some of the work I m trying to do *right now* simpler and it means that the branch everyone expects to see first when the come to the repository will appear active and reflect the latest changes. There s nothing here that changes releases, and there s nothing that prevents anyone from getting the branch that has a particular release on it. It just moves things around a bit. I d like to make this change, but I don t want to do it without giving everyone who might care a chance to voice an opinion. If you think this is a bad idea, please say so. If you think this is a good idea, please say so. If you want more time to think about it, or you want to ask questions, please say so. As I said, the change doesn t have any material impact really on what the TC produces, so if there are no no votes or I need more time votes over the next couple of days, I m going to go ahead and do it. At that time, I ll also setup automatic builds and make a 5.2b10a alpha release of both DocBook and Publishers. Unless someone objects, of course. Which is absolutely fine, I m trying to get some things done, but I m not trying to railroad anything past anyone. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Tovey-Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> https://nwalsh.com/ > It is better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at > all.--Georges Courteline Attachment: signature.asc Description: PGP signature

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-tc] Proposal to reorganize branches in the DocBook repository

    Posted 07-21-2020 19:39
    Do we have control over the naming? I've seen a lot of discussions in industry lately about changing the names of master/slave, white/blacklist, etc. to be more inclusive/appropriate. Can we rename "master" to "development" or "current" or something? If we are moving things around anyways, might be a good time to make such a change... _____________________________________________ Scott Hudson Staff, Content Tools and Engineering docs.servicenow.com < https://docs.servicenow.com/ > ïOn 7/21/20, 12:53 PM, "Norman Tovey-Walsh" <docbook-tc@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of ndw@nwalsh.com> wrote: Hi folks, Apologies for spamming the list. I don t know how many of you care about this. It won t have any substantive impact on the work products that the TC produces so it isn t important that you care (or even have an opinion). If DocBook repository and git and branches aren t things you re interested in, you can stop reading now and no harm will befall you. :-) The github.com/docbook/docbook repository where we store the schema artifacts that are under development is currently organized with branches: master : Effectively the last published release docbook-5.1 : The 5.1 release docbook 5.2-dev : The development branch for 5.2 docbook50-rewind: The 5.0 release (it has an odd name because we failed to tag the 5.0 release and I had to reconstruct it) * : random other feature branches I probably proposed this organization, but I ve come to think it s not right. It means that the master branch, which everyone sees, appears moribund with no commits for months or years. It s also slightly more complicated to publish beta releases (and real releases) automatically off of different branches every time. We already have stable branches for the actual releases. I propose that we adopt this organization instead: master : The current development branch for V.next docbook 5.2 : The 5.2 release (which we ll create when 5.2 is released). docbook-5.1 : The 5.1 release docbook50-rewind: The 5.0 release * : random other feature branches It s a small change but it makes some of the work I m trying to do *right now* simpler and it means that the branch everyone expects to see first when the come to the repository will appear active and reflect the latest changes. There s nothing here that changes releases, and there s nothing that prevents anyone from getting the branch that has a particular release on it. It just moves things around a bit. I d like to make this change, but I don t want to do it without giving everyone who might care a chance to voice an opinion. If you think this is a bad idea, please say so. If you think this is a good idea, please say so. If you want more time to think about it, or you want to ask questions, please say so. As I said, the change doesn t have any material impact really on what the TC produces, so if there are no no votes or I need more time votes over the next couple of days, I m going to go ahead and do it. At that time, I ll also setup automatic builds and make a 5.2b10a alpha release of both DocBook and Publishers. Unless someone objects, of course. Which is absolutely fine, I m trying to get some things done, but I m not trying to railroad anything past anyone. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Tovey-Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> https://nwalsh.com/ > It is better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at > all.--Georges Courteline

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-tc] Proposal to reorganize branches in the DocBook repository

    Posted 07-21-2020 19:50
    Scott Hudson <scott.hudson@servicenow.com> writes: > Do we have control over the naming? I've seen a lot of discussions in > industry lately about changing the names of master/slave, > white/blacklist, etc. to be more inclusive/appropriate. > > Can we rename "master" to "development" or "current" or something? That is an *exceptionally* good idea! It looks like GitHub is planning to change master to main across their services. At least, that s what five minutes of web searching suggested. I think that s a good alternative. Please consider renaming the principal, default branch to main as a friendly amendment to my proposal. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Tovey-Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> https://nwalsh.com/ > Faith makes many of the mountains which it has to remove.--W. R. Inge Attachment: signature.asc Description: PGP signature