> DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 16 December 2009
> =============================================================
> The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 16 December 2009
> at 01:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+,
> 022:30p India+) for 90 minutes.
> Agenda
> 1. Roll call
Regrets: Bob
Present: Norm, Scott, Larry, Dick, Jirka, Paul
> 2. Accepting the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
> 3. Next meeting: 20 January 2010
No regrets heard.
> 4. Review of the agenda.
> 5. Review of open action items
> a. Gershon to develop a reltable example.
> b. Larry to publish assembly schema with last month's changes.
> c. Norm to prepare proposal for full and simplified assembly
> versions.
> d. Bob to organize a meeting to discuss linking in modular DocBook.
> e. Norm to develop a proposal for maintaining the DocBook websites.
> f. Norm to develop schema changes for inlines for discussion at
> next meeting.
http://markmail.org/message/5hb3kxrf3xggc3vi or
> g. Norm to develop a list of use cases and requirements for
> transclusion.
> h. Bob to add agenda item for transclusion to next meeting.
> i. Norm to better document indexterm placement.
> 6. Status of new edition of DocBook: The Definitive Guide
Technical review ongoing; plan to submit the final manuscript to O'Reilly
in mid-January.
> 7. Publishing Subcommittee report.
Nothing to report this month.
> 8. eLearning Subcommittee report.
Scott: We held the kickoff meeting. One additional prospective member
showed up. Plans to begin in earnest in the beginning of the new year.
> 9. Linking in modular DocBook.
See Bob's minutes from yesterday. Inline relatedlinks and
relationships from assemblies are two different ways of expressing the
same thing. Documentation and implementation stratgies TBD.
> 10. Transclusion in DocBook.
Norm: I started the thread only a few days ago, perhaps we wait a bit
Larry: We implemented a transclusion element because XInclude wasn't
stable at the time. We added the ability to specify a source grammar
to make it easier to pull together things from different grammars. I
don't know if that's a requirement, but it made things easier for us.
Norm: That seems a little heavyweight for a transclusion element, but
I can see how it would be useful.
Revisit next month after the thread has cooked a bit longer.
(Bob, please leave this on the agenda next month.)
> 11. DocBook assembly schema.
Norm's documentation attempts:
Larry's latest:
Larry's summary:
- Added the 'suppress' attribute to output
- Added chunking control
- Added name attribute to transform element
- Added transform attribute to the output element
- Added a transform attribute and left the grammar attribute there
- Removed the word output from all of the attribute names on the output element
Norm attempts to summarize his document.
Norm proposes that the output of an assembly is a single document.
Larry pushes back, suggesting that the output is a document or
collection of documents.
Norm and Larry clearly don't agree completely on the high-level
processing expectations. While Norm wants the assembly to be
output-agnostic, Larry has quite different processing expectations
depending on what sort of output is needed.
ACTION: Larry to write up his view of the processing expectations of a
structure element and how it has to work to satisfy his needs.
> 12. Review of Requests for Enhancement
> To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&
> group_id=21935&atid=384107&aid=XXXX
> RFEs to revisit for 6.0
> 1907003 biblioid content model too broad
> RFEs to be considered
> 1679665 Add better support for modular documentation
> 2770858 Add limited emphasis to ubiquitous inlines
Norm describes the proposal.
Proposal: Accept the proposal
> 2791288 add quote to corpauthor and gui elements
ACTION: Norm to review corpauthor in this context. Does 2770858 apply
to it?
> 2820190 add a topic element
> 2820947 Ability to transclude text
> 2821653 indexterms in footnotes
Didn't we agree to 653 last month? What was the result of the experiments.
> 2900425 Remove common linking attributes from indexterm
Proposal: Remove linking attributes from indexterms?
> 2900458 Make xml:id required on start-of-range indexterms
Proposal: Make the xml:id attribute required, if it doesn't upset the validator
> 2907124 Allow personal name components directly in bibliomset
Proposal: Make them available directly.
> 2907125 Remark should allow all inlines
Proposal: Allow all inlines in remark.
> 2907126 msgaud/level/orig in simplemsgentry are spelled wrong
Proposal: Fix the bug.
Norm: In 5.1 or 6.0?
Larry: One option is to add them with the correct spellings in 5.1 and
make removing the broken spellings backwards incompatible in 6.0.
Proposal: Add the correct spellings in 5.1, remove the broken ones in 6.0.
> 2907129 orgname in address
Proposal: Add orgname to address.
> 2907131 SImpleSect in Colophon?
Proposal: Add simplesect to Colophon
> [1]
> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200911/msg00014.html
Any other business
ACTION: Bob to add discussion of indexterm in footnote to the agenda
for next month. (So we can be sure we come to closure).
None heard.
Be seeing you,
Norman Walsh