Scott et al, Indeed there are approved OASIS naming conventions. They are spelled out in the Naming Directives at: The specific guideline on filenames (in section 4) reads: ------ A filename identifying a specific published instance (stage) of a Work Product, used in a required cover page URI, must have the structure [WP-abbrev]-[version-id]-[stage-abbrev][revisionNumber].[ext] Where: [ WP-abbrev] is a name under TC control matching the agreed-upon Work Product abbreviation [version-id] is a versioning identifier component composed of the single character V OR v (upper- or lower-case), followed by a numeric string matching the rules for Version (e.g., v1.0 OR V1.1) [stage-abbrev] is a stage abbreviation in lower case characters [revisionNumber] is a two-digit number as prescribed below [ext] is a file extension. [Examples: emix-v1.0-csprd01.doc and xrd-v1.1-cs01.xml] ------ The stage abbreviations are those for the sequence of document stages as listed in the TC Process. So CSD = Committee Specification Draft, CNPRD = Committee Note Public Review Draft. The description for Version (in section 5) reads: ------ Formally, a Version of a Work Product is a numeric identifier associated with a focused technical activity that proceeds on the Standards Track or Non-Standards Track through a number of development stages, often leading to the creation of an OASIS final deliverable. A Version in this formal sense must be represented textually by a numeric string composed of digits [0-9] and period (".") corresponding to any of the approved lexical models (#.#, e.g. 1.0; #.##, e.g. 1.01; #.#.#, e.g. 1.2.1; ##.#, e.g. 10.1). Use of any other pattern for a Version identifier must be negotiated with the TC Administration. A Version identifier must be used as a discrete path element in document URIs, and must also be used in a document's principal URI filenames (i.e., stage-specific filenames in required URIs used on a cover page). A Version identifier must also be incorporated into a Work Product name/title, where a title should be composed from a suitable name/identifier followed immediately (without punctuation) by the word "Version" and the Version number, e.g., OpenDocument Version 1.2. ------ Given the above, I would put forward your examples this way: db-publishers-v5.1-csd01 db-assembly-beta-v5.1-csd01 db-simplified-beta-v5.1-csd01 db-xinc-beta-v5.1-csd01 db-core-beta-v5.1-csd01 Let me know if I can help with this in any way. Best, /chet On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Hudson, Scott <> wrote: > Sounds reasonable to me to keep the versions in sync. We'll have a little > bit of work to do to communicate this out. > If we start incorporating some of the RFEs, that will generate a new number. > In your proposal, that is handled by the -# correct? For example, Publishers > v5.1 would be the base. Any changes would be Publishers v5.1-1, right? > Are there any OASIS naming conventions we need to follow? For example, the > original publishers spec was: > > publishers-1.0-spec-cd-02.html > > would we want to use something like: > db-publishers-5.1-01 > db-assembly-5.1-beta-01 > db-simplified-5.1-beta-01 > db-xinc-5.1-beta-01 > db-core-5.1-beta-01 > OR should we put the version number at the beginning: > db-5.1-publishers-beta-01 > db-5.1-assembly-beta-01 > db-5.1-xinc-beta-01 > db-5.1-core-beta-01 > Thanks, > --Scott > On Oct 25, 2011, at 10:18 AM, Norman Walsh wrote: > > Hi folks, > > We're about to issue DocBook V5.1b5. Which might be used to make DocBook > Publishers V1.1b3. > Or maybe Simplified DocBook V1.3b1. Or...oh, this is insane! > > I propose a new versioning mechanism: > > DocBook V5.1b5. > DocBook XInclud V5.1b5. > DocBook Assembly V5.1b5. > DocBook Publishers V5.1b5-1. > Simplified DocBook V5.1b5-1. > > If we fix a bug in Publishers, that'll make V5.1b5-2. If we fixed a > tiny little typo, we could even consider V5.1b5-1.1 I suppose. > > When DocBook V5.1 is released, then we'll make Publishers V5.1-1, etc. > > It's not perfect, but it sure seems like an improvement to me. > > Be seeing you, > norm > > -- > Norman Walsh <> Men are more like the times they > live in than they are like their > Chair, DocBook Technical Committee fathers.--Ali Ibn-abi-talib > > -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society Primary: +1 973-378-3472 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: