This message is in regard to my open action item from last month's meeting: to put provide a list of use cases to motivate discussion at the next meeting about the proposal for an new Annotation element[1]. Use cases for the Annotation element -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Acronym and Abbrev Currently, DocBook lacks a standard way to associate an Acronym or Abbrev with a "spelled out" phrase. A general Annotation element could be used for this purpose, and (in my opinion) would be a better solution that a specific "spelling out" element just for "expansions" of Acronym and Abbrev. Note however, that TEI does provides an specific Expan element[2] for this purpose. Also note that spelled-out annotations need not necessarily be rendered as "pop ups". Many documents in the XMLEurope 2001 proceedings[3] contatin acronyms and abbreviations linked to spelled-out versions in a separate part of the same document in which the acronyms and abbreviations occur (similar to the way in which footnotes are usually rendered). Discussion of the need to associate Acronyms with their spelled-out versions in rendered HTML output originally came up in a message[4] on docbooks-apps, which started a related discussion thread[5] on the TC list. 2. Footnotes vs. marginalia This discussion first came in a thread[6] on the docbook list. In one message[7] in that thread, Yann Dirson wrote: But both marginalia and footnotes are specific layouts for text that is, semantically, a note attached to some point in the text. Whether the rendering of this note shall produce one or the other layout object is a matter style. OTOH, I does raise a question about the <footnote> name - it is the name of a layout item, not of a semantic item, as already shown by the "end notes" rendering. I believe the proposed Annotation element would be an appropriate declarative/logical element name for marking up "a note attached to some point in the text" -- a presentation-neutral name lacking the implied processing expections of a "footnote" or "marginalia" element. Notes ----- [1] [2] TEI provides an Expan element: As well as "expan" and "abbr" attributes: The address is Southmoor <expan abbr="Rd">Road</expan>. The address is Southmoor <abbr expan="road">Rd</abbr>. But the limitation of that design is the expansion is limited to character data (or the abbrev is, depending on how you mark it up). [3] One example: [4] [5] [6] [7]