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Subject: RE: [docbook-tc] adding CALS attrs to HTML tables
Paul, Norm,
My error. I didn't realize that the HTML 4.0 and XHTML table models were
the same. I was under the impression that HTML 4.0 has used the same model
as 3.2, which is somewhat limited, to provide better compatibility. If what
you have in DocBook is the HTML 4.0 implementation, then it's a moot point.
Sorry for the confusion.
At 09:27 AM 4/12/2005, Paul Grosso wrote:
>I'm with Norm--confused.
>To what XHTML model do you refer?
>XHTML is a "reformulation of HTML 4.0 in XML" [1].
>Its semantics are defined by HTML. The table model is
>the same. If you look at the XHTML spec, there is
>a section [2] describing the differences between HTML
>and XML, and all it talks about are the obvious
>differences between SGML and XML--nothing about
>the table model.
>The HTML 4.0 table model [3] has always supported
>tbody+ which is the HTML version of multiple tgroups.
>The XHTML model is the same.
>The HTML 4.0 table model has always supported
>character alignment; from the HTML 4.0 DTD [4]:
><!-- horizontal alignment attributes for cell contents -->
><!ENTITY % cellhalign
> "align (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED
> char %Character; #IMPLIED -- alignment char, e.g. char=':'
> charoff %Length; #IMPLIED -- offset for alignment char --"
> >
>I also checked the XHTML 1.1 modular table model [5]
>to confirm that it is basically the same as the XHTML 1.0
>table model and the HTML 4.0 table model.
> >