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Subject: Re: [ubl-l10n] Differences in translations of UBL-Reusable-1.0.xls
Corrections made. Sorry for (super) late response.
Regards, -Patrick wrote:
>Hello UBL Localization Chairs,
>In another message I describe a rehearsal for the creation of a
>UBL multilingual data dictionary that uses UBL-Reusable-1.0.xls.
>In the process of setting up that exercise, I noticed some
>differences between the UBL 1.0 Standard and the UBL Names,
>Dictionary Entry Names, and English Definitions in the translated
>speadsheets. The differences mainly reflect different versions of
>the spreadsheets that were used to begin the different
>translations. Changes were made as we finished UBL 1.0, and some
>of those changes were not reflected in the spreadsheets that you
>were translating.
>Below I've listed all the corrections that appear to be necessary
>in order to bring the UBL Name, Dictionary Entry Name, and English
>Definition columns of the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish
>translations of UBL-Reusable-1.0.xls in line with the published
>UBL 1.0 version. Notice that in some cases, the changes will
>necessitate a change to the translation itself.
>This is all I will have time for right now, so a similar
>comparison of the maindoc spreadsheets will have to wait for
>CNLSC and JPLSC Reusable
>UBL Names: OK
>Dictionary Entry Names: OK
>English Definitions: The following differences were found. The
>translations should be checked for changes resulting from the
>corrections indicated.
> Item 177:
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment
> settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice
> multiplied by Quantity plus Allowance Charges)
> Should be (note the comma):
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment
> settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice
> multiplied by Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)
> Item 225:
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement
> discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by
> Quantity plus Allowance Charges)
> Should be (note the comma):
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement
> discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by
> Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)
> Item 285:
> associates (optionally) the party with a party names
> Should be:
> associates (optionally) the party with a party name
> Item 286:
> associates (optionally) the party with an addresses
> Should be:
> associates (optionally) the party with an address
> Item 289:
> associates (optionally) the party with a languages.
> Should be:
> associates (optionally) the party with a language.
> Item 431:
> associates the Transport Handling Unit with one or more
> receipt lines on a receipt advice.
> This is correct, but the published spreadsheet is missing the
> period at the end. The published spreadsheet should be
> corrected in 1.0.1. No correction is needed by the LSCs.
>ESLSC Reusable
>UBL Names:
> Item 273:
> DocumentDocumentStatusCode
> Should be:
> DocumentStatusCode
> Item 274:
> IssueIssueDateDate
> Should be:
> IssueDate
>Dictionary Entry Names:
> Item 78:
> Contact. Other_ Communication. (with trailing period and
> space)
> Should be:
> Contact. Other_ Communication (without trailing period and
> space)
> Item 83:
> Contract. Validity_ Period.
> Should be:
> Contract. Validity_ Period
> Item 118:
> Despatch Line. Transport Handling Unit (with trailing space)
> Should be:
> Despatch Line. Transport Handling Unit (without trailing
> space)
> Item 273:
> Order Reference. Document Document Status. Code
> Should be:
> Order Reference. Document Status. Code
> Item 274:
> Order Reference. Issue Issue Date. Date
> Should be:
> Order Reference. Issue Date. Date
> Item 380:
> Shipment. Shipment Stage. (with trailing period and space)
> Should be:
> Shipment. Shipment Stage (without trailing period and space)
> Item 381:
> Shipment. Transport Equipment. (with trailing period and
> space)
> Should be:
> Shipment. Transport Equipment (without trailing period and
> space)
>English Definitions: The following differences were found. The
>translations should be checked for changes resulting from the
>corrections indicated.
> Item 177:
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment
> settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice
> multiplied by Quantity plus Allowance Charges)
> Should be (note the comma):
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment
> settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice
> multiplied by Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)
> Item 225:
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement
> discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by
> Quantity plus Allowance Charges)
> Should be (note the comma):
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement
> discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by
> Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)
>KRLSC Reusable
>UBL Names:
> Item 273:
> DocumentDocumentStatusCode
> Should be:
> DocumentStatusCode
> Item 274:
> IssueIssueDateDate
> Should be:
> IssueDate
>Dictionary Entry Names:
> Many of the Dictionary Entry Names (112 occurences) have an
> extra period (full stop) and space appended. The period and
> trailing space should be deleted from all DENs. Also, many of
> the DENs contain extra embedded spaces (129 occurences). All
> instances of multiple spaces in DENs should be reduced to a
> single space. Also:
> Item 6:
> Address. Street Name. Text
> Should be:
> Address. Street Name. Name
> Item 273:
> Order Reference. Document Document Status. Code
> Should be:
> Order Reference. Document Status. Code
> Item 274:
> Order Reference. Issue Issue Date. Date
> Should be:
> Order Reference. Issue Date. Date
>English Definitions: The following differences were found. The
>translations should be checked for changes resulting from the
>corrections indicated.
> Item 35: The KRLSC version is correct, but the published 1.0
> version contains an extra line break. This should be
> corrected in the English version of 1.0.1.
> Item 177:
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment
> settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice
> multiplied by Quantity plus Allowance Charges)
> Should be (note the comma):
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any overall payment
> settlement discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice
> multiplied by Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)
> Item 225:
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement
> discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by
> Quantity plus Allowance Charges)
> Should be (note the comma):
> the monetary amount that is the total for the line item,
> including any pricing variation (allowances, charges or
> discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement
> discount or taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by
> Quantity, plus AllowanceCharges)
> Item 229:
> the maximum quantity of an item that a customer will allow
> to be back ordered.
> Should be:
> the maximum quantity of an item that a seller party will
> allow to be back ordered.
> Item 230:
> the minimum quantity of an item that a customer will allow
> to be back ordered.
> Should be:
> the minimum quantity of an item that a seller party will
> allow to be back ordered.
> Item 237: The KRLSC version is correct, but the published 1.0
> version contains an extra line break. This should be
> corrected in the English version of 1.0.1.
> Item 285:
> associates (optionally) the party with one or more party names
> Should be:
> associates (optionally) the party with a party name
> Item 286:
> associates (optionally) the party with one or more addresses
> Should be:
> associates (optionally) the party with an address
> Item 289:
> associates (optionally) the party with one or more languages.
> Should be:
> associates (optionally) the party with a language.
> Item 358:
> identifier of additional information regarding the hazardous
> substance. Can be used to identify information such as the
> type of regulatory requirements that apply to a description.
> Should be:
> additional information regarding the hazardous
> substance. Can be used to specify information such as the
> type of regulatory requirements that apply to a description.
> Item 431:
> associates the Transport Handling Unit with one or more
> despatch lines on a despatch advice.
> Should be:
> associates the Transport Handling Unit with one or more
> receipt lines on a receipt advice.
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