OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Fw: [ebxml-msg] Re: SOAP Fault location

  • 1.  Fw: [ebxml-msg] Re: SOAP Fault location

    Posted 11-12-2001 22:16
    I think this is an error handling issue. Please put this on the issue list.
    SOAP message/Fault does not have messageID/Reference message ID,
    so ebXML can't identify the message from SOAP Fault message.
    > I received a question about SOAP Faults and ebXML Error from a developer.
    > Q1. When receiver side MSH returns an error condition to sender side MSH,
    >     can the receiver side MSH send both ebXML Error and SOAP Fault using
    >     one HTTP response (or one separate HTTP request in asynchronous mode)
    >     at same time ?
    >     I guess the answer to the question is "No". 
    > Q2. The ebXML Message Service spec says:
    >         "When asynchronous mode of message exchange is being used, a
    >          HTTP response code in the range 2xx MUST be returned when the
    >          message is received successfully and any error conditions
    >          (including SOAP errors) must be returned via a separate HTTP
    >          Post." (on P65 in v1.05)
    >     However if answer to the Q1 above is "No", when sender side MSH
    >     received a SOAP Fault by a separate HTTP POST in asynchronous mode,
    >     how the sender side MSH know that which sent messages's error is
    >     indicated by the SOAP Fault? SOAP Fault itself has not
    >     RefToMessageId element...
    > Regards, 
    > --
    > SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <shima.masa@jp.fujitsu.com>
    > TEL:+81-45-476-4590(ext.7128-4241)  FAX:+81-45-476-4726(ext.7128-6783)
    > Planning Dep., Strategic Planning Div., Software Group, FUJITSU LIMITED
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