OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

    Posted 02-18-2002 07:42
    I agree with all your points on the importance of
    validating the received messages before processing... However,
    SOAP does not *require* either DTD processing or XML Schema
    validation. This does not preclude XML Schema validation
    to assess the validity of the received message. I thnk that
    at best we can *strongly recommend* that the practice
    of validating the received message(s) against the XML
    Schema instance to assure receipt of a both well-formed
    and valid message before turning it over to further
    processing by the MSH. I don't think that we can
    necessarily *require* that this be done.
    w/r/t the process=lax v strict issue, that raises an
    interesting point that probably should be addressed
    by the XML Protocol WG regarding the SOAP schema.
    Doug Bunting wrote:
    > While writing my previous email (on issue 56) to Dick, I recognised an 
    > assumption not supported in the document (I think).  I've been assuming 
    > the receiver MUST (at least SHOULD) validate a message against the ebXML 
    > Messaging schema.  If that's not supported by our documentation and the 
    > SOAP envelope schema, we're in a whole world of security hurt.  (Just 
    > for example, code is often written assuming something is in the DOM tree 
    > because the schema requires its presence.  That code fails in ugly ways 
    > when those assumptions are violated by an non validating XML parser.)  
    > Due to the changes currently proposed resolving issue 73, I don't think 
    > we have the assurance of XML validation if we ever did in the past.
    > Two things determine whether or not an XML instance is validated against 
    > a schema.  First, the parser responsible for reading the instance must 
    > be configured to perform validation.  I don't recall whether or not SOAP 
    > requires such a parser configuration.  Second, the specific elements of 
    > interest must be declared within a processContents="strict" block.  
    > Without strict interpretation of the block, a validating 
    > parser MAY or MUST (depending on the precise declaration) skip the block.
    > The schema found at [1] does not match our hacked version at [2] in one 
    > important way: The one we threw together for our own use required 
    > validation of the SOAP extension elements found in the Envelope and 
    > Header.  [2] instead uses processContents="lax".  This means a 
    > validating parser MAY skip the contents of the Header and Envelope elements.
    > [1] http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace
    > [2] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/envelope.xsd
    > To make the suggested change to our msg-header.xsd file, we must change 
    > the document in a few more ways than previously suggested.  In addition 
    > to removing mention of our specific schema location for the SOAP 
    > namespace, we must STRONGLY RECOMMEND the XML parser be configured to 
    > interpret processContents="lax" as processContents="strict".   (I'd 
    > prefer MUST to avoid long sentences describing requirements in this 
    > area for any level of security assurance.)  If the SOAP specification 
    > doesn't do this for us already, we should also require the XML parser to 
    > validate received documents.
    > thanx,
    >     doug