OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-msg] more about MEPs

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] more about MEPs

    Posted 09-22-2004 00:42
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] more about MEPs

    Title: RE: [ebxml-msg] more about MEPs

    I would also make case #1 the main driver for this "pull" mode:
    something we consider important for our customers, and not just with SMTP.
    (the Acknowledgement schemes are indeed limited, which makes precisely the point that
    different reliability contracts are needed for "responses")

    case #2, ("occasional connectivity" in RosettaNet messaging requirements)
    may require something more than an asynchronous pull: that problem seems to be
    generally orthogonal to the MEPs being used. I am not even sure how "asynchronous pull" would
    work here. What may be needed is, for connections that were interrupted, some way to notify their
    sending endpoints that the MSH is available again for receiving. Also, for a sender, some way to figure
    that a receiver is down, and behave accordingly.
