OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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[Fwd: [ebxml-dev] [ebMS]: Double ebXML xsi:schemaLocation]

  • 1.  [Fwd: [ebxml-dev] [ebMS]: Double ebXML xsi:schemaLocation]

    Posted 08-25-2005 15:38
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: [Fwd: [ebxml-dev] [ebMS]: Double ebXML xsi:schemaLocation]

    --- Begin Message ---
    Hi all,

    I have found something interesting in the ebXML messaging services specification.

    In the page 48 of ebMS2.pdf downloaded from the OASIS, it shows an example of the ebXML message envelope.

    At the <SOAP:Header> and <eb:MessageHeader> element, I found that it has specified the same xsi:schemaLocation for the msg-header-2_0.xsd twice.

    Do anyone know why it is required to do so and what are the use of the including the same schema twice?


    Alex Wong

    Core Solutions Limited
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