OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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comments on (MEP section, Reliability section):

  • 1.  comments on (MEP section, Reliability section):

    Posted 04-12-2005 00:17
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: comments on (MEP section, Reliability section):

    Some comments on latest additions (MEP section, Reliability section):



    - section 5.4.1.

    MSH is composed of --> MSH is supporting

    (and removing "Respond" from the list of operations is suggested, based on previous proposal)

    - section 5.4.1.


    ...the MSH is in a Push sending mode, the Submit invocation for a reliable message on an MSH is associated with...


    ...the MSH is in a Push sending mode, the Submit invocation for a message on an MSH is successful when the resulting ebMS message has been sent.

    If the message is reliable, a Submit invocation is associated with...

    -        section 6 (need to restrict the statement to "business messages" only - which become "ebMS user message" if previous proposal accepted)


    ...other words, for every message in the same MEP instance, either one of these statements is true:

    . the message is the first to occur in the MEP


    ...other words, for every ebMS user message in an MEP instance, either one of these statements is true:

    . the message is the first user message to occur in the MEP

    - section 6.1:

    Replace all the expressions "Sending RMP" and "Receiving RMP " by "Sending MSH" and "Receiving MSH".

    At end of 6.1 remove "essential" in "essential issue" .

    - Section 6.3:

    .propose to replace expressions "ebMS messages with business semantics" with "ebMS user messages"

    if this def is accepted in previously proposed messaging model.

    - section 10.6 (Reliability Module)

    Proposes to align with previously sugegsted change in the abstract MSH operations,

    summarized as: the abstract MSH operations do not need to distinguish ebMS "response message"

    from "request message". As a consequence:

    (a) only Submit is used (no "Respond" needed). (Any correlation with previous message is

    just indicated by RefToMessageId passed as argument)

    (b) "Notify" is only used to report on status, failures. Delivering a "business response" is

    done lke for any other message: by "Deliver".

    So that means:

    - in "Reliability of Simple Pull MEP": replace Step "(7) Notify" with: "Step (7) Deliver".

    - in "Reliability of Simple Request-Response MEP": replace Step (4) (which should have been (5) anyway))

    with: Step (5): Submit of response message + Step (6): < former RM-Respond step>.

    Then adjust step# of  remaining steps. The last step (8) should be Deliver instead of Notify.

    - in "Reliability of Aggregate MEPs": replace in Step (5) Respond with Submit.

    Remove (b) sentence in paragraph before last.

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