OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Oct 13th Agenda & Draft

    Posted 10-12-2004 13:09
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Oct 13th Agenda & Draft

    Firstly, here is a link to the latest editors draft of ebMS 3.0.  You 
    will find that a lot has changed, and a lot has not changed (yet).  
    Most notably, we now have integrated WS-Reliability.
    Next, here is an agenda for our meeting tomorrow:
    1. Roll call
    2. Review of Section 10.6 (Reliable messaging module) [ 
    http://b.ydcorp.com/ebms/trunk/wd-ebms-3_0-02.html#id727482 ]
    3. SOAP w/ Attachments for SOAP 1.2 discussion: should we use MTOM/XOP 
    or compose an W3C Note for SwA for SOAP 1.2
    Call details:
    Date/Time:		October 13, 2004, 02:00 PM America/Montreal
    Meeting ID:		31337
    Local: 408-536-9900
    International: +1-408-536-9900

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