OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Transport related authentication in CPA (was SSL Mutual Authenticationand the Message Service Spec)

  • 1.  Transport related authentication in CPA (was SSL Mutual Authenticationand the Message Service Spec)

    Posted 08-29-2001 12:41
    Thanks, I think that the "basic" and "digest"
    may be a start at providing values for transport
    level authentication, in addition to the
    changes in CertRef  for Arvola's
    client-side SSL/TLS authentication descriptions.
    I am, however, concerned that 
    we may need to add some more
    information to reflect agreements
    that nail down the factors needed for
    interoperability for authentication at
    "transport layers". 
    For example, the "basic" authentication
    scheme might be augmented by information
    about the realm. For the "digest" authentication
    scheme family, it looks like more mechanisms
    have been added since rfc 2617-- e.g., those
    of rfc 2831. Also, parameters like "qop-options" may
    be used, and are consequently matters that
    a CPA might specify, because an interop.
    issue might stem from different capabilities
    among implementations. Likewise, a server
    may optionally choose to specify that
    the authenticator use some other digest
    algorithm than MD5, which might frustrate
    interoperability. If we do decide to add
    specifying these functions in version 1.1, we should have
    a survey of specified and/or used-in-practice
    mechanisms, and their parameters, whose
    configurability or optionality may impede
    I only "half follow" all the variants in
    this area, and do not have a good sense
    for what is really used in practice 
    (especially for b2b communications)
    and/or what is just specified in some rfc.
    If someone could create a table/list/
    /spreadsheet enumerating the existing
    variants, and the optional parameters
    in these variants, we could then proceed
    to propose the additional elements and
    attributes needed in CPPs and CPAs for
    HTTP authentication. 
    So, do we have voluteers?
    Dale Moberg