OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Correction RE: [ebxml-msg] wd-12 section question

  • 1.  Correction RE: [ebxml-msg] wd-12 section question

    Posted 04-17-2006 21:05
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Correction RE: [ebxml-msg] wd-12 section question

    (sorry, made a paste error on the section header value)

    Is the third subcase a typo or editorial leftover?

    The One-Way Push Message Exchange Pattern (pasted in wrong section header)

    This MEP involves a single ebMS user message. The message sending is initiated by a Sending MSH


    as a SOAP One-way MEP instance,

    as a SOAP Request in a SOAP Request-Response MEP instance, or

    as a SOAP Response in a SOAP Request-response MEP instance.

    The One-Way Pull Message Exchange Pattern of section of course has a single ebMS user message that is transferred as a SOAP Response in a SOAP Request-response MEP instance.

    So what is the third case supposed to capture?

    Also, where is a One-Way Push of a user message of type Response (so the refToMessageId is used)?

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