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ebxml-msg message
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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-msg-comment] Public Comment
Good answers, Dale. I also was confused by this:
> 2. Technical Architecture: In the area of implementation architecture, I
> think I have no problem on the end-end components.
> a. I have some questions on whether a dual-protocol (AS2 & ebMS)
> registry has been something anyone has done before?
> Dale> I am not certain what this means. The ebMS registry can be used to
> store ebXML information concerning business processes (BPSS instances)
> as well as profiles for messaging (CPPs and CPA templates). In the CPPA
> group, an editor's draft shows how a CPP could be used to support AS2,
> but it is not released. So an ebMS registry may eventually support
> profiles for AS2 if they emerge. If the question was, can a Registry be
> accessed using AS2, I think the answer at the moment is "no" [Including
> Farrukh on the list for confirmation on this.]
and assumed he was talking about participants who expose multiple
protocol endpoints, and how to register them all. If AS2 had
something equivalent to CPP/CPA that could be registered, that would
solve the problem. I wonder if the RosettaNet MMS program is tackling
this issue?
Pete Wenzel <>
Senior Architect, SeeBeyond
Standards & Product Strategy
+1-626-471-6311 (US-Pacific)
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