I sent this as an email to the list, but it hasn't appeared yet so I'm posting this as a document. -- Mr. Pim van der Eijk The document named Relayed reliable messaging scenario.doc has been submitted by Mr. Pim van der Eijk to the OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC document repository. Document Description: Some further comments on relayed acknowledgment reliable messaging, plus a proposal for end-to-end security. View Document Details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/document.php?document_id=27339 Download Document: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/download.php/27339/Relayed%20reliable%20messaging%20scenario.doc PLEASE NOTE: If the above links do not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser. -OASIS Open Administration
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