OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-msg-comment] Public Comment

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-msg-comment] Public Comment

    Posted 02-25-2005 02:30
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] FW: [ebxml-msg-comment] Public Comment

    Dale Moberg wrote:
    >Dale> I am not certain what this means. The ebMS registry can be used to
    >store ebXML information concerning business processes (BPSS instances)
    >as well as profiles for messaging (CPPs and CPA templates). In the CPPA
    >group, an editor's draft shows how a CPP could be used to support AS2,
    >but it is not released. So an ebMS registry may eventually support
    >profiles for AS2 if they emerge. If the question was, can a Registry be
    >accessed using AS2, I think the answer at the moment is "no" [Including
    >Farrukh on the list for confirmation on this.]
    Hi Dale,
    The ebXML Registry specifications describe the registry interface in 
    abstract using UML and then define normative bindings to ebMS, SOAP and 
    HTTP (rest). Currently in ebXML Registry version 3.0 there is no 
    normative AS2 binding defined for the ebXML Registry abstract 
    interfaces. Such a binding SHOULD be straightforward to do whether as 
    part of a future version of the specs or as an implementation specific 
    feature. For example, the freebXML Registry open source project is 
    architected to support such new bindings rather painlessly on the core 
    registry engine.
    The ebXML Registry TC has not heard a demand for an AS2 binding to the 
    registry interfaces and protocols. We are a community driven standard 
    and if the demand exists for an AS2 binding we will definitely consider 
    it. Thanks.

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