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Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebMSv3-Whitepaper.doc uploaded
Matt and team,
I just spotted an important typo in the whitepaper, in the edditing we have either transposed or reworded the first sentacnce of section 2.1 Message Manifest. It is currently "Placement of the Manifest in the SOAP body, rather than the SOAP header, is suggested for two main reasons." this is the exact opposite of what we want, we are proposing moving the manifest from the body to the header. I propose we transpose header and body to read as:
Placement of the Manifest in the SOAP header, rather than the SOAP body, is suggested for two main reasons.
If nobody objects on Monday can someone make an edit to the document and repost (Matt?) as I am travelling all day.
We still need one more vote to approve this for release.
Ian Jones
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