David, Thank you for the description. On Wed, 05 Dec 2001 08:01:25 -0600 David Fischer <
david@drummondgroup.com> wrote: > A signed message is a message with a ds:Signature element. An Acknowledgment > Message is one with an Acknowledgment element. A signed Acknowledgment message > would be one with both. There is no need for a ds:Signature element inside the > Acknowledgment element. > > The spec already says that a signed Acknowledgment Message MUST include a > ds:Reference element within the Acknowledgment element and there is a > special section about signing intermediate Acknowledgments 11.1.4. So when signed attribute of AckRequired in original message is set to true, the Acknowledgement Message to the original message MUST have ds:Signature element in addition to Acknowledgment element? But there is not such description in the specification. Section in v1.09 just says that: Persistent Signed Receipt An ebXML Message that has been digitally signed MAY be acknowledged with an Acknowledgment Message that itself is digitally signed in the manner described in the previous section. The Acknowledgment Message MUST contain a ds:Reference element consistent with that contained in the ds:Signature element of the original message. This section does not include any description about relationship between original message's signed attribute of AckRequired and ds:Signature of Acknowledgment Message. The team signed message you mentions does not appear in the specification. The audience of the specification will not understand that signed Acknowledgment Message has ds:Signature element. And also as Doug Bunting pointed out in <
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ebxml-msg/200112/msg00101.html > in detail, description about ds:Reference in the section seems not clear. Regards, -- SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <
shima.masa@jp.fujitsu.com> TEL:+81-45-476-4590(ext.7128-4241) FAX:+81-45-476-4726(ext.7128-6783) Planning Dep., Strategic Planning Div., Software Group, FUJITSU LIMITED