OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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[ebxml-msg] XPath Transform question...

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] XPath Transform question...

    Posted 03-04-2002 20:11
    Messaging Gurus:
    I've been having a problem applying this XPath transform, from the spec 
    because it returns a BOOLEAN instead of a node list.  I'm using the 
    latest XSS4J, and this is the only piece that will not work.
    Is the following transform correct?
    msg:actor:nextMSH"] | ancestor-or-
    There doesn't seem to be anything there to select nodes, as I've seen in 
    other transforms people are doing with XSS4J
    TIA for any help you can provide.
    Matthew MacKenzie
    XML Global R&D
    PGP Key available upon request.