OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: Schema-Specification normative preference wasRE: [ebxml-msg]Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

  • 1.  RE: Schema-Specification normative preference wasRE: [ebxml-msg]Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

    Posted 02-18-2002 16:22
    IMO, it is tantamount to insanity to make world-wide eBusiness via ebXML dependant upon a single schema in a single location. If that location becomes unavailable, does that mean all eBusiness throughout the world will stop?!? It seems far better to cache schema's locally and let implementations download the *latest* schema from a central location. Any time something becomes centrally located and important, it becomes susceptible to attack by those wishing to do harm. There is no way to stop a Denial-Of-Service attack and a central location of our schema would present an ideal target for such an event. It seems far more reasonable to let implementations download, and utilize locally, a schema which can be corrected and posted as needed. This means there is no longer any reason for the schema to *win* over the words. We can simply fix the schema any time we find a discrepancy. I am also concerned since we have been making mass schema changes without group discussion. I am not even sure what changes have occurred since they have not been tracked. To make the schema win over the words means we have just thrown all our discussions to the wind! Regards, David.