MHonArc v2.5.0b2 --> ebxml-msg message [Date Prev] | [Thread Prev] | [Thread Next] | [Date Next] -- [Date Index] | [Thread Index] | [List Home] Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] RE: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp]Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on
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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] RE: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp]Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on
I would like to see a standardized BSH-MSH interface just to enable ebXML endusers to pick implementations. Or if we have today 30 MSH implementations and maybe 0 BSH you cannot choose from the 30 but you have to go with one which provides BSH functionalities (I made up the numbers). Regards Sacha
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