OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Re: SyncReply Module

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Re: SyncReply Module

    Posted 11-19-2001 02:19
    Chris and Doug are the SOAP experts who have recommended the use of the
    SyncReply element. I would defer to them for an explanation on the necessity
    of this elemen (possibly for inclusion in the spec).
    Doug stated in his last message:
    "The previous synchronous mode would have supported MSH -> HTTP proxy -> MSH
    because HTTP proxies operate in a synchronous mode by default.  The new flag
    allows MSH -> SOAP -> MSH in spite of the asynchronous mode the SOAP node
    might prefer."
    I suspect that is the main reason for the SyncReply element.
    I don't quite agree with your statement "SyncReply in the MSH concerns
    sending back MSHsignals." Depending on the sync reply mode set in the CPA,
    SyncReply can mean returning the MSH signal synchronously, or returning the
    MSH signal along with business level message (signal and/or response)
    It also occurs to me that SyncReply may be incompatible with an AckRequested
    element that is only targeted to the nextMSH. If the nextMSH returns the
    intermediate Ack synchronously, how can it possibly return the application
    level response also synchronously? If this observation is correct, perhaps
    the incompatibility should be identified in appropriate places within the