OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Introduction

    Posted 11-09-2006 15:50
    I just became a member of this TC and wanted to introduce myself to the group.
    I am the architect of CDC's PHIN Messaging System (PHINMS), which is based on ebMS 2.0. PHINMS uses XML Encryption and XML DSIG standards for payload level encryption and signature. This software is described at http://www.cdc.gov/phin/software-solutions/phinms/index.html. I am also the CTO of Business Networks International, an Atlanta GA based security consulting firm (see links below).
    As I mentioned in yesterdays call, a few extensions that PHINMS made to ebMS 2.0 were to handle:
    1) very large (in Gb range) payloads using chunking
    2) push/pull type interactions via a gateway (to handle sites that wanted to receive by polling the gateway)
    There may be other such extensions that may be candidates for inclusion in future versions of the standard. As I remember them, I will share them with this group. Also, as a new member, I have some basic questions:
    a) Is ebMS 3.0 designed to interoperate (over the wire) with ebMS 2.0?
    b) Is interoperability with WS-Reliable Messaging a future goal of ebMS?
    Raja Kailar

    Raja Kailar, Ph.D.
    CTO, Business Networks International, Inc.
    Ph: (770) 399 0433
    Cell: (678) 358 6553
    Fax: (770) 234 6685