OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-cppa] RE: [ebxml-msg] CPA & MS overriding parameters

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-cppa] RE: [ebxml-msg] CPA & MS overriding parameters

    Posted 11-26-2001 11:02
    I read the proposal with much interest. Looks good to me
    based on my current understanding. I have a few minor
    items you may consider.
    1. There was a "signed" attribute in your first proposal which seems
    to have disappeared in the second one. Was that a typo?
    2. Please consider "perCPA" instead of "fixed" since we already have
    "perMessage" (unless "fixed" has other semantics)
    Another problem which may touch upon negotiation is,
    can we have a message that does not require a CPA?
    (don't you need one to bootstrap CPA creation negotiations?)
    Should we have some statement that covers this issue?