OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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[ebxml-msg] Docbook, was: Errata Format and Style etc

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Docbook, was: Errata Format and Style etc

    Posted 11-07-2002 22:03
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Docbook, was: Errata Format and Style etc

    To take your (and mine) HTML bias to new heights, I recommend that we 
    begin using docbook.  Norman Walsh has put together a package to help 
    OASIS spec authors to use docbook.  I have used it in the past to draft 
    proposals for the RegRep group, and I found it extremely useful because 
    my formatting was guaranteed to be correct as long as I kept my XML 
    valid and well formed.  The HTML output by the docbook html stylesheet 
    also places anchors at all of the sections and links them together in 
    the table of contents, allowing you to quickly zoom to the section you 
    want, or include a link in email directly to that section.
    I think the W3C uses docbook, which is ironic seeing as docbook is an 
    OASIS spec hardly used by OASIS spec TCs.  If this TC wants to start 
    going down that route, I would be willing to do the conversion on the 
    current specification source into docbook to get the effort started.
    On Thursday, Nov 7, 2002, at 16:03 America/Vancouver, Doug Bunting 
    > Mike,
    > I would much prefer this document be a 'tidy' HTML document and that 
    > it liberally use links to tie the comments into the PDF version of our 
    > specification.  (Are links in to a PDF document possible?  Guess we 
    > could fall back to linking into the Word document.)
    > Beyond that delivery and linking issues, I don't have many qualms with 
    > this format.  The introductory material may not be necessary but also 
    > doesn't cause a problem.
    > In the final section, you've included a few "act liberally" comments. 
    > I'd recommend we act a bit more forcefully about at least the SOAP 
    > non-compliance issues (if this can be classed as such).  Even for the 
    > clarification around SyncReply in a synchronous reply, we should 
    > recommend both parsing such a response without error and not creating 
    > one in the first place.  As a general rule, we should balance acting 
    > liberally on receipt with recommendations to clarify the options for 
    > senders.
    > thanx,
    >    doug
    > Mike Dillon - Drummond Group wrote:
    >> Hi all,
    >> Attached is a draft of the Errata format
    >> that Ian has graciously furnished and I have filled in some sections 
    >> for ebXML Messaging.
    >> I am looking for any comments on style, format...
    >> I will continue to update the items from the various
    >> interops, ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org the requirements and other 
    >> sources, and send out an update next week.
    >> thanks !
    >> mike dillon
    >> mike@drummondgroup.com
    >> 817 875 0794
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