OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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T2 Inconsistencies in Section 9

  • 1.  T2 Inconsistencies in Section 9

    Posted 07-26-2001 19:59
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: T2 Inconsistencies in Section 9

    • Since the StatusRequest element resides in the SOAP Body rather than the SOAP header, the statement on lines 1580-1581 is technically incorrect. It should say "...elements in the SOAP Header and Body."
    • The StatusResponse element described in section 8.13 needs to be updated. The schema in Appendix A shows:
    <attribute name="messageStatus" type="tns:messageStatus.type"/>
    <simpleType name="messageStatus.type"> <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
    <enumeration value="UnAuthorized"/>
    <enumeration value="NotRecognized"/>
    <enumeration value="Received"/>
    <enumeration value="Processed"/>
    <enumeration value="Forwarded"/>
    The values Processed and Forwarded are missing from section 8.13.3 messageStatus attribute.

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