Apologies to all,
in my e-mail yesterday I stated that only a majority was required to
approve the specification that was wrong it IS 2/3. The OASIS TC process
clearly states "The final approval of a committee specification shall
require at least 2/3 of the total membership of a TC voting to approve and
no more than 1/4 voting to disapprove." thanks to Doug for spotting this.
This requires that at least 19 members vote "For" and no more than 7 vote
"Against" to approve the specification
I should have re-read the process and not relied on my memory after
Christmas! My confusion arose over the discussion that to move from a
Committee specification to an OASIS Standard according to the process which
states "Upon resolution of the TC to move the specification forward, its
chair shall submit the following items to OASIS:...." which appears to imply
once a committee specification is approved only a majority vote of a quorum
(Roberts rules for passing a resolution) is required. This appeared a
little odd to me moving forward in the standard process requires less
consensus than to create a committee specification which is why I reversed
the process in my mind.
Final clarification, I proposed to hold the Voting period open until
January 18 and send a reminder to people not returning a vote by Friday
January 11 on that Friday, sorry for any confusion.
Ian Jones
Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
Tel: +44 (0)29 2072 4063
Fax: +44 (0)29 2072 4137
Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com