OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: Schema-Specification normative preference wasRE:[ebxml-msg]Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

  • 1.  Re: Schema-Specification normative preference wasRE:[ebxml-msg]Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

    Posted 02-18-2002 19:21
    Dale Moberg wrote:
    > I do not understand where David's implication
    > was drawn from. Certainly having a schemaLocation
    > for a schema does not necessarily mean that there
    > are no local caches. There are also nowadays some high
    > availability, fault tolerant, redundant, failover, load balancing
    > systems.
    While that is possible,  it also depends on what you are counting on the
    schemalocation for.  If all trading partners who start using ebXML MUST
    download the schema definitions from that location, then the entire
    implementation phase is dependent on one point. This is clearly
    I suspect that simply having a namespace to avoid conflict of element
    and attroibute names is sufficient but I may be wrong.  My apologies if
    I have missed that part of the discussion.
    I would advocate that the designers of the specification who are telling
    us they are relying on resolving that schemaLocation attribute shoudl
    analyze exactly what functionality they need from the schemaLocation and
    see if it can;t be accomplished without creating this one focal point. 
    The original author of the complaint hinted that they are having this
    > This means that though there is one URL,
    > there need not be, in any pejorative sense, "a single
    > point of failure". A system backup is also possible.
    > DNS IP pools for the host, parallel live systems
    > running in sealed tunnels in Colorado, etc.
    True - DNS uses a primary and secondairy nameserver however,  my
    question is "Does this need to be resolved in the first place".  I don;t
    know the answer.  I am merely posing the question.
    > What does any of this have to do with updating
    > a schema as a work-around for an interop. problem
    > arising from a discrepancy between normative words in a
    > specification and the normative schema of that
    > specification.
    I have not the slightest idea here....
    Duane Nickull
    CTO, XML Global Technologies
    Transformation - http://www.xmlglobal.com/prod/foundation/
    ebXML Central - http://www.xmlglobal.com/prod/central/