OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Message Order Inconsistency section 10 pp's 1,2

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Message Order Inconsistency section 10 pp's 1,2

    Posted 12-11-2001 13:02
    I respectfully disagree.  We have included two normative bindings to
    specific communication protocols and left the door purposefully open to any
    and all other communication protocols.  It is possible to implement
    ebXML-MSH using a JMS provider today.
    I also disagree we decided ebXML Reliable Messaging was required for ebXML
    Message Order.  In fact, Shimamura-san and I went through some rewording of
    his clarifications to avoid that requirement.  The ebXML specification has
    explicitly recognised the possibility of other communication protocols in
    the past, including those that provide reliability.  We were working to
    ensure the message ordering text wasn't a glaring exception.
    Recognising the possibility of communication protocols that provide both
    reliability and message ordering is very different than making a required
    association between the two features.  Just as ebXML Reliable Messaging is
    intended to supplement features available in the communication protocol, so
    should ebXML Message Order be used.  For example, one of the many SOAP
    extensions might provide one feature but not the other.
    My recommendation is to change paragraph 1 in section 10 to also allow
    non-ebXML Reliable Messaging combined with ebXML Message Order.