I have e-mailed the voting proposal to all eligible members
directly. If anyone believes they should have received a voting request and
has not, please email me as soon as possible. I propose to hold the Vote
open until Friday January 18 unless an absolute majority is reached prior to
this in which case I will post the fact back to this list as soon as this
happens. A majority is the only requirement for approval of a committee
A would like to say a very big thank you to David Fischer for the
exceptional effort his has put into getting the specification ready.
Without his effort over the last 2 months we would not have such a high
standard of specification. I would also like to appeal for others to step
forward to help with some of the tasks we need to achieve such as the role
of secretary. If we want to move forward again we need to do a lot more
work to produce requirements for the next version as well as drive this
version through the OASIS standards process.
For information we have 27 eligible members and myself as chair to
break any ties if required.
Those people who have replied to the list to support David Fischer's
initial proposal please respond to the formal e-mail so that I can record
the voting has been conducted in a fair manner.
I will chase any non replies on Friday.
Happy new year all!
Ian Jones
Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
Tel: +44 (0)29 2072 4063
Fax: +44 (0)29 2072 4137