OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Question about routing / multiple intermediaries

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Question about routing / multiple intermediaries

    Posted 02-13-2002 20:33
    I'm not sure I would agree. Intermediaries are a special
    case IMO. The routing functionality of an intermediary
    is (IMO) an *application* function of that intermediary,
    NOT an MSH function.
    We've discussed this many times and in Tokyo (I believe)
    we finally agreed that routing was an application function
    of an intermediary and unspecified by our spec.
    Matthew MacKenzie wrote:
    > Chris,
    > Thanks for the quick reply.  This is a interoperability concern IMO, 
    > would an appendix on the subject be appropriate?
    > Do any other implementors have an opinion on this?
    > Regards,
    > Matt
    > On Wednesday, February 13, 2002, at 11:09  AM, Christopher Ferris wrote:
    >> Unspecified. Basically, the To/PartyId info is used by an intermediary
    >> to further resolve the addressing. How this is handled is entirely
    >> up to the intermediary.
    >> HTH,
    >> Chris
    >> Matthew MacKenzie wrote:
    >>> Spec reference: v2.0 / Jan 11/02 - sect. 2.3.10-11 and 3.1.1+
    >>> Could someone clarify how a message would be handled when sent 
    >>> through multiple (3+) intermediaries?  I'm sure it is buried in the 
    >>> spec here somewhere, perhaps in the sections I mention -- I am just 
    >>> not getting it.  How does each intermediary know what the next 
    >>> intermediary is, if there are 2 or more of them?
    >>> Thanks in advance.
    >>> -- Matthew MacKenzie
    >>> XML Global R&D
    >>> PGP Key available upon request.
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    > -- 
    > Matthew MacKenzie
    > XML Global R&D
    > PGP Key available upon request.