OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Concall schedule

    Posted 09-29-2003 17:45
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Concall schedule

    During last week's call, we discussed how to keep up the TC's momentum
    and complete the work we have in progress.  I suggested that 2 weeks
    was a long time between calls, resulting in "out of sight, out of
    mind" during off-weeks.  There was general agreement that it would be
    a good idea to talk more frequently.
    An alternative that wasn't mentioned, is to increase the time to 90
    minutes, so that we can get more accomplished on the days that we do
    happen to achieve quorum.
    Also, Jacques thought an earlier start time of 11am PT instead of 1pm
    would be more convenient.
    So, please reply with answers to the following survey:
    1. Would you prefer changing to a weekly teleconference schedule, or
       to remain biweekly but with longer calls?
    2. Would you be able to participate in a rotating host schedule,
       sponsoring a conference call every 4-6 weeks or so?
    3. Will an earlier start time of 11am PT on Wednesdays work for you?
    Pete Wenzel <pete@seebeyond.com>
    Senior Architect, SeeBeyond
    Standards & Product Strategy
    +1-626-471-6311 (US-Pacific)

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